Leadership Testimonials
"CJ is one amazing woman. Wow! CJ, you should give lessons in getting things done. Wait a minute…. I guess you actually do that for a living! CJ, I am amazed by how much you accomplish even while you're "relaxing"."
Reuel Launey, Custom Command Systems
"Chris's ability to assess an employee and his working methods/ability caused the company to reassess its view of his value to the organization, and to adopt a fresh approach in working with him. Not having to replace this senior employee presented significant quantifiable savings - at least five times the "We appreciate your efforts in working to keep our organization the splendid organization it is. People like you are what makes life more meaningful. Thanks for being there."
Lee S. Baker, Director of Information Technology, Drug Plastics & Glass Company, Inc.
"I'm continually impressed with CJ's enthusiasm, work ethic, intelligence, unending thirst for knowledge and commitment to excellence in everything she does."
Raymond J. Melcher, Chairman, President and CEO, Leesport Financial Corporation
"Her beginnings as an educator continue to be an integral part of CJ's spirit. Her contributions: customizing the database to meet OUR needs, establishing a web presence, and encouraging those of us who were novices of hitherto untapped potential."
"She coaxed a structure into being that is tailored to OUR organization. She made it easier for us to accomplish our mission."
"She launched each major effort, inspired the enthusiasm of willing volunteers from the staff, and then retreated to the periphery - available to illuminate a path in another direction if that should be called for - or to salvage some stumbles."
"She has the highest ethical standards and a very strong sense of justice and work ethic."
"CJ is honest and diplomatic in all of her business and personal transactions. Her highly cooperative and cheerful manner makes her a joy to work with."
Virginia D. Ahrens, Chair of the Board of Directors, Pacem In Terris
"Chris demonstrated her leadership in Divisional and Sector recognition programs."
Steve Kessler, Senior Vice President, MBNA
"CJ grasps things quickly and handles multiple projects."
Brian O'Malley, Senior Vice President, First USA, Bank One
"It's been great seeing the program take root. I'm so grateful to you, CJ, for all the inspiration and dedication you have devoted to this program."
Judy Butler, Chair, Pacem In Terris
"Chris excels above her peers."
Darren Lehman, Senior Vice President, First USA, Bank One
"Among her many achievements, Chris stands out as a technologist who is able to identify and execute on the purposeful use of technology. Despite her success, she is also a down-to-earth, engaging woman with a lovely sense of humor. It is a pleasure to work with her on CIN."
Vanessa DiMauro, Director of Internet Community Development, Cambridge Information Network

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