Recommended Reading
The Entrepreneur's Guide to Managing Growth and Handling Crises
by Theo J. van Dijk
Praeger Publishers, 2007
Everyone knows the typical entrepreneurial success story: A couple of entrepreneurs have a great idea, work their tails off to establish the business and, before long, they're set for life. Right? Hardly. Turnaround artist Theo van Dijk knows two things: First, young businesses that have survived the start-up years will face periods of stagnation. Second, every venture at some point reaches a complacent plateau, owners take their eyes off the ball, and--wham!--a crisis charges through the door. Entrepreneurs can avoid that fate by learning what van Dijk has learned through experience.
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The Entrepreneur's Guide to Writing Business Plans and Proposals
by K. Dennis Chambers
Praeger Publishers, 2007
Entrepreneurs--and entrepreneurial companies--live or die by the quality of their plans and proposals. Whether it's to get funding for a new product line or business from a client, writing hard-hitting prose that answers essential questions and makes specific requests is an indispensable skill. Entrepreneur, ad man, and writing teacher Dennis Chambers shows how entrepreneurs can persuade people, through skillful writing, to pony up capital or contracts. This ability--which can be learned--is rare in today's media-saturated world. But it counts more than ever if an entrepreneur wants to make it over the magical "five-year" hump and on into lasting business success. Numerous examples and exercises ensure that entrepreneurs understand how the writing game is played--and that they play it well.
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The Entrepreneur's Guide to Hiring and Building the Team
by Ken Tanner
Praeger Publishers, 2008
There are few absolutes in business, but here is one: Thriving businesses employ a superior team. No matter how great the idea, how strong the entrepreneur's finances, how excellent the location, or how magnetic the advertising, the success or failure of the business rides on the quality of the workforce. And here's another absolute: Long-term financial success depends on keeping effective employees from jumping ship. In this book, business veteran Ken Tanner guides entrepreneurs through the three critical components of staffing a business--recruiting, teambuilding, and retention. As he shows time and again through advice, anecdote, and example, solving these challenges is like adding rocket fuel to the entrepreneurial business.
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The Entrepreneur's Guide to Managing Information Technology
by CJ Rhoads
Praeger Publishers, 2008
Entrepreneurs face a bewildering array of choices and decisions when it comes to incorporating technology into the fabric of their businesses. Yet nothing could be more important these days.
Reading this book could mean the difference between having reliable, effective systems that help your business flourish--or stumbling into hidden sink holes that drain employee motivation and hack away at profits. In addition to helping you level the playing field with technology salespeople hawking everything from handheld devices to complex networks, Rhoads answers the following questions: -How do I get the promised benefits of information technology? -How do I avoid the risks? -How do I plan for the information technology that I will need as the business grows? -How do I choose wisely from the plethora of platforms, products, and services that are available? -How do I avoid wasting money on technology that won't work for me? -How do I implement and coordinate technology so that it runs smoothly? -How do I manage the people, processes, and systems for the best value? Understanding the answers to these questions and putting them to work could mean the difference between success and failure in any entrepreneurial venture. Readers will learn to recognize hype when they see it, and they will focus on how to profit the most from IT. At the very least, readers will avoid thousands of dollars in lost costs by avoiding risky technology projects. The knowledge contained in this book separates the winners from the whiners in the quest to better employ information technology. Which would you like to be?
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